Monday, November 8, 2010

New Eating/Drinking Tips That Will Help You Getting Rid of Your Acne

There exists so many different tips on getting rid of acne... and I have already gone through some of them with you. Though here I'm going to explain to you more specifically some new tips on what you should eat/drink and make a habit from eating and that way break free from your acne.

The first tip I want you to learn is what you must not eat if you want to get rid of your acne overnight. Have you ever heard of people experiencing acne from eating chocolate? Well, that probably means that you should try staying away from chocolate. Though one thign I want you to understand from the beginning is that it has never really been scientifically proven that there is a relation between acne and chocolate, still there are millions of people out there seeing clear connections between how much acne they have and how much chocolate they eat. So my suggestion is to stay away from chocolate because soon researchers might find the connection and then it's even scientifically proved.

The second tip is about dirnking. Try to exchange alcohol with water. The more alcohol you drink, the more acne you will get. This is something which affects a lot of poeple nowadays and for me alcohol always gave me breakouts. Just one beer could give me 3-5 new pimples overnight. The reason why I wanted you exchange to water is because water will instead help you get rid of your acne. You see water clears up the toxins in your body and therefore also in your skin. This means that the more water you drink the less acne you will get. This also varies from person to person.

The last thing I want to say is try to eat as much vegetables and fruits as possible. It's healthy, fruits especially have vitamins which is believed to get rid of acne and there has also been researches that say vegetables help getting rid of acne. This means that skip the jumk food which is bad for your health and instead eat fruits and "veggies".

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Blog Listing Best Acne Treatments In The World...

Hi again!

I recently saw a new blog which lists all the best acne treatments in the world. They write about 1 post/day with a new "treatment" in each post. It's really informative and the writer seems to know what he's talking about.

What I liked about it especially is that he's very specific with the acne treatments but on the same time easy to understand.

The guy who writes the blog (Bob West) has his own site on how to get rid of acne too and he helps people all around the world to get rid of their acne.

So I strongly suggest you pay a visit and check out some of the acne treatments in the blog and I hope you find it as good as I did!

The blog on: Best Acne Treatments In The World

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why The Army Is Such a Pain For Your Skin And Acne...

Joining the army is probably the meanest thing I've ever done to my face and my acne condition. Of course it's not only my face that suffered because I've had a few injuries now and then too, but one thing that really bothered me when I got out on the weekends was that I had so much new acne that had appeared druing the week. And I didn't really know how to get rid of it back then.

The reasons why you get acne in the army are several. But the main reason is mostly bad hygiene. I mean you could go a week without brushing your teeth, washing your face, showering... all that kind of stuff. And this of course will cause your skin to rebel against you by becoming filled with red hot pimples.

The one thing that gives you the most acne is probably the camo that you put in your face. It doesn't breathe at all and it's extremely dirty and goes directly into your pores and cloggs them up so that there starts developing pimples on your skin. So if for some reason you can skip the camo do it. Though I don't think they ask you in any army whether you want to put it on or not. It's more like... "Put that God damn camo in your face soldier!". Well anyways... At least it's horrible for your skin that I can tell you.

The second most powerful acne bringer for you has to do with sweating. Remember how I said in the last post that sweating clears up acne? Well it does but it will only get worse if you sweat but don't get a chance to shower immediately after the sweating. So anytime you get the chance to showe after working out do it immediately.

Eventually while you're in the army it doesn't really matter whether your skin has breakouts or not. But right as you get out on the weekend you want to get rid of that acne a.s.a.p I can tell you.

Friday, October 22, 2010

7 Tips To Get Rid Of Acne Overnight

Acne is something that has been lowering the self-esteem of both young and older people for a very long time already. And a lot of people have tried to come up with all kinds of miracle cures for acne but so far most of them are pretty unknown.

But that doesn't mean there isn't anything you could do to minimize your acne or even to get rid of it entirely, overnight. There are a lot of things that you can do in order to get rid of your acne overnight. Now if you're suffering from severe acne breakouts then it might be pretty hard to get rid of all the acne overnight but with the 7 tips I will list in this article you will at least be able to get rid of some of it, if not even most of your acne.

First I'm going to explain to you shortly what acne is and what causes it... in order for you to understand what you can do to get rid of acne overnight.

Acne is for the most part a result of a clogged pore in your skin. If for example you have very dirty skin, your pores might get clogged. Another thing that causes your pores to get clogged is overflow of an oil in your skin called sebum [see-bum]. And what creates the inflamed breakout on the outside, is when the bacteria called P.acne get's attracted to this clogged pore and multiplies in the clogged pore... it gets inflamed and shows an ugly red, hot pimple on the outside.

So for example the reason teenagers get acne is because their hormones increase the production of this oil sebum which then causes more pores to get clogged.

So now that you have a small clue about what causes acne... let's get into what you can do to get rid of acne overnight.

1. Stop touching your face!

If you'd realize how often you touch your face, you'll feel almost downright feral. We all know that we touch almost anywhere with our hands. We shake hands with different people all the time, we grab door knobs, we touch the dirty ground... I mean I could go on forever. This of course causes all this dirt and all these bacteria from everywhere to get stuck on your face. Now I think we all understand that this is not very good for your acne condition. So all you need to do is to try and think about how often you touch your face and then try to avoid touching it when you feel your hands getting closer to your face.

2. Wash your face twice a day.

Most people think washing your face like a maniac is great for your skin. It does sound logical of course that the more you wash the cleaner it gets, but like with everything else in this world. Take things in moderation. Because if you wash your face more than twice a day you will wipe off too much of the oil sebum from your face which then again is bad for your facial appearance.

3. Want to get rid of acne overnight? Then go jogging today!

Working out is good for so many reasons... so if you're not working out regularly already... please, for God's sake start. Working out is great for loosing weight, for relieving stress and it even gives you a great feeling afterwards. Try it, you'll see. But when we're talking about getting rid of acne, the stress relieving part in working out is something that you should pay attention to. Because when you stress, you're cells starts producing and releasing stress hormones like cortisol. Which then again prepares you for a "fight-or-flight" situation and this hormone increases your sebum production.

4. Shower immediately after working out. It'll kill your acne.

When you work out you sweat. At least if you work out correctly, you sweat. And when you sweat the sweat will be leaving your body through the pores in your skin. And as it does this it will also take with it dead skin cells that are blocking your pores. Now this is absolutely great. But then if you don't wash the sweat off pretty quickly after working out. It will evaporate and leave behind it both the dead skin cells and also the salt. Which then causes the recently opened pores to get blocked again... and then the bacteria P.acne will find itself to this blocked pore... and there, now you got even more acne then you had before working out.

5. Girls, when you use makeup, please use it right... or receive more acne overnight!

The thing with make up is that it's supposed to make you look better. For example by covering your acne or other not as nice looking parts of your face. Now this we all know. But there's one thing that truly has the opposite effect when using makeup. Leaving the makeup on, overnight. This is the best way for you to make sure that the next morning, you'll be needing more makeup than you had before you went to bed.

6. Try Benzoyl Peroxide.

Some people who have tried Benzoyl Peroxide have been able to get rid of acne with it. But it won't work perfectly for everyone. What Benzoyl Peroxide does is that it kills the P. acnes bacteria that caused the inflammation in the blocked pore. So what you do is that you apply the cream or lotion to the part of your face which had breakouts. There are prescription versions available with Benzoyl Peroxide but you can also get it in different lotions and creams that are sold over the counter.

7. When everything else fails... use a laser.

If nothing else has really worked for you, you can always go for laser treatment. What the laser does is that it produces heat beneath the skin's surface and damages your sebaceous glands (your sebaceous glands are the ones producing the oil sebum). But it doesn't damage the surface of the skin however. This is very effective but remember that it can be a little painful or uncomfortable and you might be experiencing some swelling for a day or so too.

Well there you had it. 7 ways to get rid of acne overnight. Now I suggest you start applying this right away, because if you apply all or at least most of these tips to your life today... you will see a clear difference in your skin when you wake up tomorrow morning.

I am certain that these tips will do as much for you as they have done for me and so many others before me. So please take action and become a more confident person by getting rid of your acne now!

Here's a link to a great website on how to get rid of acne that I seriously recommend you have a look at.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Did You Know That Friction Causes Acne?

There are many things that can cause acne. And I've just explained to you one of them already. Which is cause by the oil sebum. But there are other things that can give you acne too. And friction just happends to be one of them.

With friction I mean the friction between for example tight clothes or straps and your skin. Let's say you're wearing a helmet because you're going biking, and the helmet sits very tight and the straps grind on your face as you get sweatier and sweatier. And when you're done biking and you take off the helmet you can see the marks from the straps since you wrapped the helmet so tightly around your head. Now this is something to avoid because you will most likely be getting some new breakouts in the area where your straps were.

This can also happen on other parts of the body and not just the face so be careful if you don't want tons of new back acne too!

Friday, September 24, 2010

What Is Acne And Why Do I Suffer From It?

There are millions of people in the world that are suffering from acne these days... Everything from teenagers to older men and women get acne. But why? What is it that causes this annyoing breakout that is concidered very unattractive?

Well here it is:

Acne is a skin disorder that starts right from your pores (hair follicle). That's basically a small hole in your skin from which hair could or is growing. Now in these pores we have something called sebaceous glands. What these do is that they create an oil called sebum which is good for keeping your skin moist and all.

So these pores I was talking about... they can get clogged. The clogging can be caused by different things like dirt or dead skin, but mostly they get clogged by too much of the oil sebum. Now the reason why it's not good to get your pores clogged is because if you have a bacteria called P.acne, it will quickly find itself and multiply in this clogged pore. And when you get too much of this bacteria in you pore... it will get inflamed and start swelling and on the outside you will see a red, hot and fresh pimple on the top of your skin.

So this is the main reason why people get acne. There are other reasons too but mainly this is what causes it. So you probably understand now that if you want to get rid of your acne overnight or even ever you have to somehow keep your pores clean from dirt and other stuff that don't belong there, you have to kill the bacteria P.acne and also you have to make sure your sebaceous glands don't produce too much of the oil sebum.

Knowing this will already help you a lot. In my coming posts I will explain to you all kinds of different tricks and steps you can take in order to stop your pores to give you acne. Also later on I will go through what other things can cause acne except for this bacteria.

So stay in touch and make sure you read my next post!

Welcome To My Blog On How To Get Rid Of Acne Overnight!

Welcome to my blog on how to get rid of acne overnight. In this blog I will teach you all the things you must know in order to get rid of your acne as fast as possible.

I will teach you all about what causes acne and why some people get more and others less which is very valuable to know when you're trying to get rid of something. If you understand why something happens, you will also be closer to stopping it from happening again in the future.

So I hope you will enjoy this blog on how to get rid of acne overnight and please feel free to comment and discuss about your situation and I will do all I can to help you with your acne problems.