There are millions of people in the world that are suffering from acne these days... Everything from teenagers to older men and women get acne. But why? What is it that causes this annyoing breakout that is concidered very unattractive?
Well here it is:
Acne is a skin disorder that starts right from your pores (hair follicle). That's basically a small hole in your skin from which hair could or is growing. Now in these pores we have something called sebaceous glands. What these do is that they create an oil called sebum which is good for keeping your skin moist and all.
So these pores I was talking about... they can get clogged. The clogging can be caused by different things like dirt or dead skin, but mostly they get clogged by too much of the oil sebum. Now the reason why it's not good to get your pores clogged is because if you have a bacteria called P.acne, it will quickly find itself and multiply in this clogged pore. And when you get too much of this bacteria in you pore... it will get inflamed and start swelling and on the outside you will see a red, hot and fresh pimple on the top of your skin.
So this is the main reason why people get acne. There are other reasons too but mainly this is what causes it. So you probably understand now that if you want to get rid of your acne overnight or even ever you have to somehow keep your pores clean from dirt and other stuff that don't belong there, you have to kill the bacteria P.acne and also you have to make sure your sebaceous glands don't produce too much of the oil sebum.
Knowing this will already help you a lot. In my coming posts I will explain to you all kinds of different tricks and steps you can take in order to stop your pores to give you acne. Also later on I will go through what other things can cause acne except for this bacteria.
So stay in touch and make sure you read my next post!
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